An Experienced Attorney To Help You Reach Your Goals

Springfield Child Support Lawyer

Child Support Delinquency Can Create Family And Financial Issues

If you are a custodial parent, you know how much it costs to provide for your children’s needs. If the noncustodial parent’s child custody payments are delinquent, however, you may become worried and stressed and experience financial problems as a result.

I am a Springfield child support attorney John B. Holt from The Holt Law Firm and I understand what you’re going through and how to help ease your concerns. I’ve helped numerous families in Robertson County and throughout north central Tennessee protect their rights and collect the child support owed to them under the terms of a court order. I know how to fight for your best interests, and I will do the same for you.

Supporting Custodial Parents For Over 20 Years

I have extensive experience handling a wide range of family law matters, including helping families secure child support orders in court following divorce or child custody disputes as well as enforcing child support orders.
My goal will be to make you feel like you are regaining some control of a situation that otherwise feels out of your hands. I can help you:

  • Establish paternity
  • Establish, enforce, and support child support orders
  • Enforce health insurance coverage
  • Obtain delinquent child support payments
  • Seek post-judgment modification when a significant change in circumstance arises

I pride myself on tailoring legal strategies to meet my client’s needs, which is why when you work with me, attorney John B. Holt, you can rest assured knowing I will listen to your story and carefully craft a child support argument that fits your needs, goals, and situation.

Effective And Tailored Representation For Difficult Child Custody Issues in Springfield, TN

Call my Springfield office at 615-647-9444 to get started. As a Springfield child support lawyer, I understand how difficult child custody disputes can be on Tennessee families and how important it is for people to know they have a strong advocate in their corner. If you would like to resolve your child support matter quickly and effectively, contact The Holt Law Firm to schedule an appointment.